You don’t get what you deserve, You get what you negotiate.
From Business deals to Job Offers, your ability to advocate for yourself shapes your reality!
Negotiating a salary increase can be a daunting task, but it’s an essential skill that can significantly impact your financial future and job satisfaction. Whether you’re gearing up for your annual review or preparing to discuss your compensation with a new employer, mastering the art of salary negotiation is crucial. In this post, we’ll unlock the secrets to successful negotiation, equipping you with the strategies and confidence to secure the raise you deserve. Get ready to transform your approach and elevate your earnings!
1. Prepare a accomplishment list
Record down what you’ve done, what problem you’ve faced, what solution you’ve implemented. Make sure you also visualize the result of the projects and how your solutions helped. This is to let the superior or boss know how much you have done for the company.
2. Role play
Make sure you practice a lot before meeting the boss for an increment request. You should foresee what questions they are going to challenge you, and think for a perfect answer and back up plan for that. Role play the conversation for a few times, so you won’t be nervous and be confident while the day come.
3. Find the right timing
Please, please, please find a right timing. Don’t do it when your boss is in a bad mood, or when company is facing a problem, or when it’s peak season and everyone is stressful. Timing is super important.
4. Double check your market value
You need to have reasons to support why you ask for this amount. You can’t ask your colleague how much salary they got, you can’t ask your peers as well. Then how should you know how much does your experiences cost!